Printer cartridge – How does it work?

We live in an almost unbelievably convenient age. Before the time of printer cartridge and cartridge printer suppliers, printing was considered one of the more time-consuming and tedious tasks, left only to professionals and dedicated artists. Today we can enjoy the convenience of simply replacing our printer cartridges once every now and again. There are two types of printers; those that use printer ink cartridge, and those that use laser printer cartridge. Here at Ink Post we supply toner and printer cartridges for every make and model of printer.

There are certain things which can explain the modus operandi of a Printer Cartridge.

  • Reservoir: Printer Cartridges are small, plastic boxes filled with a semi-liquid ink. Multi-colour cartridges have multiple compartments inside the cartridge to keep the inks separate. The ink in the printer cartridge stays inside until it is needed.
  • Printer’s Role: With an on-board computer, the printer translates commands from a word processor into mechanical motion and electrical impulses.
  • Conducting Electricity: When the printer sends an electrical impulse to the contact film at the base of the printer cartridge, the electrical impulse causes the small opening at the base of the cartridge to warm up rapidly. This ensures that the ink molecules can pass through the hole; strike the paper and bond to its fibres. A series of small dots, combined with the intensity of the electrical charge and the mechanical motion of the printer, makes images and text appear on the paper. The print head sprays the dots in a specific order and with a specific concentration in order to create secondary colours or shades of a colour. The printer software sends signals to the printer and print head, triggering the order and release of ink.

At Ink Post, we guarantee unrivalled selection of consumables for all brands and models of printing devices.